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Ich stimme der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten zu…
By completing and sending the form I grant my express agreement for PSN s.r.o., Company ID No. (IČ): 17048869, with its registered office at Seifertova 9, 130 00 Prague 3, entered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, section C, insert 1671, as the administrator of the personal data pursuant to the relevant legal regulations (hereinafter referred to as the “administrator”) to prepare, store, collect and handle my personal information (hereinafter referred to as the processing of personal data”) for the purpose of the marketing use of this data: name, surname, telephone contact, e-mail address, information about communication with me and all other personal data that I have provided. I grant this approval for an indefinite period of time and I am aware that I can withdraw it at any time; ask the aforementioned information administrator about which of my personal data is being processed; to ask for an explanation regarding the processing of personal data; to ask for access to the processed personal data; to ask for the correction or update of the processed personal data; to ask for the processed personal data to be erased, to apply objections against the processing of the personal data and, in the event of any doubt of the adherence to the obligations concerning the processing of personal data, to contact the administrator or the Office for the Protection of Personal Data. In addition to the above, I agree for the administrator to entrust the processing to a third party, as the processor.